Canada Trip Day 6: Tim Hortons and The Dickens

This is day 6, the final day of my trip to Canada!

This morning, we started off with another Tim Hortons run for breakfast. I ordered the same breakfast sandwich as last time because I liked it so much: the Everything Croissant with egg and bacon. This croissant had even more Everything Bagel seasoning on it, so it tasted even better than last time. For my drink, I ordered a small caramel toffee latte with almond milk. It wasn’t as fun or exciting as the Oreo iced cappuccino, but it still tasted almost treacly sweet and creamy with every sip, and the caramel was strong. The flavor of the coffee was rich, though I wasn’t sure how toffee was incorporated. It tasted very similar to a classic caramel latte from Starbucks in the U.S.

For my pastry, I ordered the apple fritter. This pastry was huge and coated in a sticky, sugary glaze. The sweetness might have been too much for someone else and was almost too overwhelming for me, but I still enjoyed it! The fritter had a puffy texture with somewhat thick dough that was easy to pull apart and a little chewy. I thought the apple flavor wasn’t very apparent, though. The overpowering flavor was sugar and a touch of cinnamon, while the apple flavor was more subtle. The fritter had swirls of cinnamon and brown sugar inside, too. Though I didn’t get as much apple as I expected, the fritter tasted fantastic.

We spent the rest of the day driving around visiting small nature parks. At the end of the day, we returned to Burlington and ate at a small sit-down restaurant called The Dickens. On the wall behind our table, notes between Charles Dickens and others were framed on the wall. The interior looked dark, gothic, and cozy.

For dinner, I ordered the butter chicken. I was interested to see if it would be any different from the typical butter chicken served at Indian American restaurants in the U.S. The dish came served in a large metal pot on a plate with pickled red onion, basmati rice, and garlic naan on the side. The chicken was hidden in the thick curry sauce. It was so hot temperature-wise that I could barely eat it at first, and once I did, I was surprised to find that it tasted more spicy than I’m accustomed to. Though I’m used to eating Latine food at home, none of our dishes are very spicy. The butter chicken made my nose run in an enjoyable way. I ate almost all of the huge portion size of chicken because its flavor was practically addictive. The basmati rice was a little dry for my preference, but when soaked in the sauce, it tasted perfect. The naan and onion were also delicious. The sauce was so thick and rich, though, that I found myself overly full by the end of the meal. Nevertheless, this was one of the best meals I had on the trip.

And this has been my trip to Canada!

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Hi! I’m Daleyna!

I think and talk about food way too much, and now I’m going to write about it, too. Here are the posts following my foodie adventures!



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